Pierre-Augustin Dangeard     (1862 - 1947)

Image of Tremella from Jean Louis Émile Boudier (1904 - 1909) Icones mycologicae ou iconographie des champignons de France, principalement Discomycètes

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Dangeard studied the life-cycles and biology of many simple-bodied organisms, many of which are no longer considered fungi.

Among other things, he discovered the function of the long sterigmata of the jelly fungi: it allows the basidia to remain embedded deep in the hymenium, protected from the air by the gelatinous stuff that results when some of the hyphae (with yellow rounded tips in the illustration below) dissolve their cell walls.

Image of Tremella from Jean Louis Émile Boudier (1904 - 1909) Icones mycologicae ou iconographie des champignons de France, principalement Discomycètes
TremellaThe long sterigmata poke through the jelly, enabling the spores to be borne externally while the basidium remains protected in the interior. When the fungus dries up, the basidia remain protected from the air, and when the fungus rehydrates they again begin producing spores. I remember seeing one research result that found that a fruiting body of Tremella mesenterica continued to sporulate in wet weather for a period of six months.

Selected Publications

Pierre-Augustin Dangeard (1894 - 1895) "Mémoire sur la reproduction sexuelle des Basidiomycètes" (Report on sexual reproduction in the Basidiomycetes) in Le Botaniste 4 pp. 119 - 181

Pierre-Augustin Dangeard (1894) "La reproduction sexuelle des Ascomycètes" (The sexual reproduction of Ascomycetes) in Le Botaniste 4:1 pp. 21 - 58

Pierre-Augustin Dangeard (1903 - 1906) "Les ancêtres des champignons supérieurs" (The ancestors of the higher fungi) in Le Botaniste 9 pp. 1 - 263

Pierre-Augustin Dangeard (1906) "Les Mucorinées" (The Mucors) in Le Botaniste 9 pp. 227 - 253

Pierre-Augustin Dangeard (1907) "Recherches sur le développement du périthèce chez les Ascomycètes" (Researches on the development of the perithecium in the Ascomycetes) in Le Botaniste 9 pp. 59 - 303

Pierre-Augustin Dangeard (1907) "L'origine du périthèce chez les Ascomycètes" (The origin of the perithecium in the Ascomycetes) in Le Botaniste 10 pp. 1 - 385

Pierre-Augustin Dangeard (1932) "Observations sur la famille des Labyrinthulées et sur quelques autres parasites des Cladophora" (Observations of the family Labyrinthules and some other parasites of Cladophora) in Le Botaniste 24:3 pp. 217 - 258

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Amoebophilus Dangeard

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