M. Beeli     (b. 1879)

Selected Publications

M. Beeli (1920) "Note sur le genre Meliola" in Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État, Bruxelles (Bulletin of the National Botanical Garden, Brussels) 7:1 pp. 89 - 160
Key to all species then known

M. Beeli (1922) "Notes mycologiques: I. Contribution à la flore mycologique du Congo " (Contribution to the mycological Flora of the Congo) in Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État, Bruxelles (Bulletin of the National Botanical Garden, Brussels) 8:1 pp. 1 - 11
Descriptions of additional species of Meliola, and of other fungi

M. Beeli (1922) "Notes mycologiques: III. Relevé des Ustilaginées d'Afrique et de leur hôtes" (Revision of the Ustilagineae of Africa and their hosts) in Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État, Bruxelles (Bulletin of the National Botanical Garden, Brussels) 8:1 pp. 16 - 22

M. Beeli (1922) "Notes mycologiques: II. Relevé des Ustilaginées récoltées dans le bassin du Congo" (Revision of the Ustilagineae found in the basin of the Congo) in Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État, Bruxelles (Bulletin of the National Botanical Garden, Brussels) 8:1 pp. 12 - 15

M. Beeli (1932) "Fungi Goassensiansi: Genre Lepiota" (Genus Lepiota) in B Soc Roy de Botanique de Belgique (Bulletin of the Royal Botanical Society of Belgium) 2nd series, 14:2 pp. 206 - 219
The genus Lepiota has historically been very sloppily defined, as more or less any white-spored terrestrial mushroom with a ring. The powdery-capped ones have been mostly moved to Cyptotrama and Cystoderma; the robust mycorhizal ones were moved first to Armillaria and then into Tricholoma. So articles on "Lepiota" from before, oh, 1990 or so are apt to include quite a few species that are now placed in different genera.
This article is a key to 54 species of Lepiota from central Africa.

M. Beeli (1938) Flore iconographique des champignons du Congo (Illustrated flora of the fungi of the Congo)
The date is approximate. I'm not completely sure that it ever got published, or how much of it did. Obviously, this is the culmination of Beeli's work on central African fungi.

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