Cyptotrama asprata

     Cyptotrama chrysopeplum

Cortinarius husseyiKey to Gilled Mushrooms     Key
This is a key to gilled mushrooms, that is, mushrooms having a definite cap with a fertile surface consisting of gills. The fruiting body usually also has a stem, although that may be lateral or absent (usually, then, the mushroom is growing from wood). You can use this key to identify mushrooms that you find.

TricholomaAgaricales     Order
Fruiting body containing fibers (usually in the stalk)

Amanita onustaWhite Spored     Suborder
Spore print "light-colored": white or buff, sometimes tinged with pink or tan. Greenish and (except for the Russulales) yellow spore prints also go here
Stalk fibrous, not fracturing like a piece of chalk

TricholomataceaeTricholomataceae     Family
None of the special features distinguishing the other white-spored genera:
Gills not free, as in the Lepiotas and Amanitas
Basidia not extra-long, as in the Hygrophoraceae
Spores smooth, except for Lentinellus

HygrocybeLignicolous Trich     Subfamily
Growing on trees or dead wood, leaves, or sticks, or organic debris, often in moss

Armillaria tabescensNormal LignoTrich     Tribe
Shaped like a “normal mushroom”
Small and fragile to medium-sized, except for one large, grey-capped species

Tricholomopsis rutilansYellow LignoTrich     Subtribe
All or almost all of the fruiting body bright yellow to orange yellow
Often powdery, finely scaly, or furry
In one case, pictured here, just the gills are yellow

Cyptotrama asprataCyptotrama     Genus
Cap and stalk powdery, often brightly colored
No ring

Cyptotrama asprata     (M. A. Curtis & Berkeley) Ginns & Redhead

Here are the characters that distinguish this species from the others in its group. For its more general characters, see higher up on the page.
If there's just a few words or a microscopic feature here, a more thorough description can be found above.

Cyptotrama asprata



