Jacob George Agardh     (1813 - 1901)

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As you can see from his publications, he was mainly an algologist.
I assume that he is the son of Carl Adolf Agardh.

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J. G. Agardh portrait and signature

Selected Publications

Jacob George Agardh (1835) Synopsis generis lupini (Summary of the genera of lupines)
Looks like Agardh dabbled a bit with phanerogams before settling down to his father's algae.

Jacob George Agardh (1839) Recensio specierum generis pteridis (Reconsideration of the species and genera of the ferns)

Jacob George Agardh (1839) Species, genera et ordines algarum: seu descriptiones succinctae specierum, generum et ordinum, quibus algarum regnum constituitur (Species, genera and orders of the algae: being succinct descriptions of the species, genera and orders that make up the kingdom of the algae) 3 vol.
v. 1. Algas fucoideas complectens (the fucoidean algae)
v. 2. Algas florideas complectens (the floridian algae [once thought to be the ancestors of fungi])
v. 3. De florides curae posteriores

Jacob George Agardh (1842) Algae maris mediterranei et adriatici, observationes in diagnosin specierum et dispositionem generum (Algae of the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas, observations, diagnosis of the species, and placement (of the species) in genera)

Jacob George Agardh (1844) In systemata algarum hodierna adversaria (Against the present-day taxonomy of the algae)

Jacob George Agardh (1852) De cellula vegetabili fibrillis tenuissimis contexta (On the cells and connective tissues of plants)

Jacob George Agardh (1858) Theoria systematis plantarum; accedit familiarum phanerogamarum in series naturales dispositio, secundum structurae normas et evolutionis gradus instituta (Taxonomic theory of the plants; placing the families of phanerogams in a natural arrangement, according to their structure and evolutionary level)
Well, I suppose that every botanist has the right to take their shot at reforming the whole discipline, and this was Agardh's.

Jacob George Agardh (1868) Bidrag till kännedomen af Spetsbergens alger (Contribution towards our knowledge of the algae of Spitzenberg)

Jacob George Agardh (1872) Bidrag till florideernes systematik (Contribution to the systematics of the Florideae)

Jacob George Agardh (1889) Species sargassorum Australiæ descriptæ et dispositæ. Accedunt de singulis partibus sargassorum, earumque differentiis morphologicis in diversis speciebus observationes nonnullæ; nec non dispositionis speciarum omnium generis, his differentiis fundatæ, periculum (Descriptions and taxonomic assignments of species of Australia's sargasso species.)

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